Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is Your Career RIPE?

By Catherine Pulsifer

The quote by Christopher Morley often entered my thoughts during my career:
"The fellow who doesn't need a boss is often selected to be one."

Do you need someone to tell you what to do, when to do it, and how to do it? Or, are you the type of person who takes the initiative? The people who reap the rewards are those who go beyond their assigned duties.

Many people don't understand why they are by-passed for promotions. If they stopped and objectively looked at the differences between themselves and the person who got the promotion, they would see why.

Some people mentally quit their job years ago, but their body still goes to work every day. These type of people are quite willing to let others do their work for them. However, in the end, they are the ones who usually suffer.

As you work towards a successful career,
remember "RIPE":

R eliable - be reliable
I nitiative - take the initiative, do more and learn more than is expected
P ositive - have a attitude postive
E nthusiasm - your enthusiasm will rub off on others!

These personal attributes can readily assist you in a successful career.


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